FKS establishes its manufacturing programme, which contains over 20.000 various products, according to requirements of domestic and foreign market, including regular improvement of present products and introduction of new ones.
Following pages represent our manufacturing programme with basic characterics of certain groups of products, in order to get the most comprehensive information of our manufacturing range.
FKS products are manufactured according to all world-known standards, as well as on special buyer's request.
Power and telecommunication cables, conductors and connectors are approved by world-known institutes, as follows: Institute VDE Prufstelle-Offenbach, UTE(LCIE)-Paris, KEMA-Arnhem, SEMKO-Stockholm, OVE(PVEW)-Wien, MSHA-Triadelfia, USA, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. -UL-USA, CSA-Rexdale-Canada, VNIIKP-Moskva, Yugoslav Post Association in Belgrade, the Institute "Boris Kidric" in Belgrade, etc.